This illustrated comic strip is made up of four panels.
Panel 1
A pink sky scattered with purple clouds.Caption: walking home tonight I feel like everything might actually turn out okay. Crazy hey?
Panel 2
A pink exterior with a smaller purple rectangle inside. This rectangle is the hallway that the speaker is implied to be looking down. The forced perspective creates the impression that the hallway is far away and very long. Rectangular florescent lights can be seen in the ceiling and closed doors, the length of the hallway.
Caption: I’m the last person in the building so I turn off all the lights and shut the doors. I love that feeling.
Panel 3
A black and white illustration of the speaker sits atop a purple wall (there are no lines to say this is a wall, but the block of darker colour, and the speakers legs hanging over the edge imply what is not drawn.) The sky is pink, contrasting starkly with the wall and the colourless speaker. The speaker is looking down. She is holding her backpack strap. She is wearing glasses, shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair is in a ponytail.
Caption in top left corner, near speakers head: Security has always closed the gate I need to walk through, so I climb over a wall every night. Caption in footer of panel, below the speakers dangling feet: I take a moment, sitting there, to breathe in the summer air.
Panel 4
The same image as above, but the speaker as moved. She is the midst of climbing down. Her back is nearly entirely to us, with her face twisted to see where she will land. It is implied that she is about to jump.
Caption: I love this too, this ritual